Hi team, for the second time in around a month I have lost save files. This time when I turned on the Xbox I had a save file in there from May 4th, yet I had finished that file, unlocked a hat, and completed 2 other play throughs too. All of that seems to be gone. Usually when I load up the game it goes straight to the options screen. This time, it went right back to the initial intro screen for the game (same thing happened a month ago). I looked for my recent save file, and it was if the game had gone back in time 3 days or so. Was playing with toejam, and the save file was of peabo from days ago. Every time I play I sign in, and every time I save a game I turn off the console back at the options screen via the control pad (as I do for all games in that way). This, to my knowledge, hasn’t happened to me with any other game. Is it me, or the game that is the issue here? I’m absolutely loving the game and am hooked, but it saps the motivation when you lose days worth of time and energy unlocking stuff which then disappears anyway. Thanks